Some of the simplest rules of the road involve traffic control devices. For instance, stopping at a stop sign or a red light is perhaps the most basic principle that every driver will be taught at the beginning of driver’s ed.
Unfortunately, many drivers still do not adhere to these rules. For example, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety claims that over 107,000 people suffered injuries in 2022 when they were hit by drivers who ran red lights. In the same year, 1,149 people died in these accidents. Some were in the vehicles that ran the red light, but many were in other vehicles – and there were also pedestrians and cyclists who lost their lives or suffered injuries in these accidents. In other words, red-light running is a risk to everyone.
Why does this happen?
There are many reasons why people run red lights. In some cases, they are just in a hurry and driving aggressively. The driver may speed up when the light turns yellow, for instance, rather than stopping.
In other cases, the driver is impaired. If they have been using illegal drugs, smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol, it can affect their perceptions and their reaction times. A driver may simply not see the red light at all.
Furthermore, distracted driving is a major issue. If a driver is looking down at their phone, they’re unlikely to see a stop sign or a red light ahead of them. Even just a few seconds of distraction is enough to cause a serious car accident that injures someone else.
Seeking compensation
Have you been injured in an accident caused by a negligent red light runner? If you have, be sure you know how to seek substantial compensation.